Composite Safety Boots vs Steel Toe Safety Boots

Composite Safety Boots

A composite toe cap is one that is manufactured from non-metal materials such as carbon fibre, fibreglass, plastic or Kevlar. Because of this, composite safety boots tend to be lightweight and comfortable for long, continuous wear. What’s more, the materials used to create composite safety boots don’t conduct heat, meaning that they will remain at a consistent temperature in both hotter and colder climates. 

Steel Toe Safety Boots

A tried and tested classic, steel toe safety boots are well-known for their high impact and protection resistance. Steel is a naturally strong material, so even a thin layer will offer the wearer a good level of protection around the toe area. Due to a thinner layer being suitable, steel toe safety boots are available in a wide range of shoe styles to suit the wearer’s needs and preferences.  

Comparing The Two

It is important to remember that both types of safety boots have been extensively tested and meet the correct safety standards. Occasionally, a workplace may insist on a certain type of safety boot, otherwise, it is often down to the preference of the wearer.

While they can be a little bulkier in terms of size, composite safety boots tend to be more lightweight than steel toe boots, which often makes them a more comfortable option for longer periods of use. However, whilst they will protect against impact or compression, any sustained damage may weaken the boot and it is recommended that composite safety boots are replaced if a serious accident occurs and they are involved. They will also tend to be the more expensive option due to the materials used.

Steel toe safety boots tend to offer a higher level of impact protection, thanks to the strong nature of steel. As they are thinner and less bulky than their composite counterpart, they also offer a greater range of styles to choose from, such as pointed or square toe stylings. However, they do tend to be heavier which may mean they aren’t quite as comfortable for prolonged periods of use and may also bring discomfort in situations of extreme hot or cold climates, as the metal in the boot will conduct heat. 


Overall, there is no obvious answer to the ongoing composite safety boots vs steel toe safety boots debate, so it is always advisable to carefully consider the benefits and shortcomings of both options before making the decision.